Instructions → Conduct an assessment

How to conduct a functional capacity assessment

Conducting a functional capacity assessment is easy. Depending on the extent of the functional capacity assessment, responding takes from 15 to 60 minutes. You should discuss and agree upon conducting a functional capacity assessment within the school. You can also discuss the issue with the pupil’s other network. By creating an account, you accept the terms, conditions and data protection regarding the service.

Conducting a functional capacity assessment in a nutshell:

  1. The implementer of the functional capacity assessment (e.g. guidance counsellor or teacher) begins by printing the “Consent for a functional capacity assessment” form to be signed by the pupil and their guardian (PDF file opens in a new tab).

    Consent form
  2.  When the consent form has been duly signed, the implementer logs in to the service, creates a new functional capacity assessment and chooses the sub-areas that are meaningful to the pupil. If you are using the service for the first time, you must first create an account.

  3. Next, the implementer sends the functional capacity assessments to the respondents, meaning those who are best aware of the pupil’s functional capacity. Depending on the scope of the functional capacity assessment, responding to the questionnaire takes 15 to 60 minutes.

Please note the information security of a pupil/an underage person when filling out the form. If needed, see more detailed instructions on how to conduct a functional capacity assessment (the page opens in a new tab).

If a previous functional capacity assessment has been produced for a pupil and you wish to re-assess their functional capacity, by using the Information tab, you can:

  1. Copy the earlier battery as a basis for a new assessment.

  2. Edit the copied battery to better suit the current moment.

  3. Compare the functional capacity descriptions to observe any changes.

If needed, see more detailed instructions on how to re-assess functional capacity (the page opens in a new tab).

Functional capacity description

    The functional capacity assessment tool automatically generates different views based on the responses. This way, the assessments of the pupil and the persons close to them provide a comprehensive and diverse view of the pupil's functional capacity, including the pupil's strengths and challenges as well as needs for support. See more detailed instructions on how to use and interpret the views (the link opens in a new tab).

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