Instructions → Respond to an assessment
Responding to the functional capacity assessment does not require registration in the service.
You will receive an email inviting you to respond to the assessment. In the email, you will find an anonymous identifier, more information about responding to the assessment and the contact details of the sender of the invitation. You will be able to respond to the questionnaire that opens through the link in the message. There is a grey bar in the top right corner of each box of questions. By moving the cursor over the bar, you will find more information about the topic related to the question.
Answer the questionnaire by describing the pupil’s functional capacity on the basis of your own expertise. On the first page of the questionnaire, you can choose to respond either to a simplified questionnaire or the standard one. The pupil can answer the questionnaire alone or together with an adult. In the questionnaire sent to the pupil, it is also possible to listen to the questions.
When an adult guides and assists the pupil in responding, responding can be supported with the required methods, such as the KESY and SYKE symbol cards or the Talking Mats method.
Pupil's options are:
Pre-primary education–grade 2, grade 3–6, grade 7–10
0 Yes. I am well able to do this.
1 I need some help with this.
2 I need quite a lot of help with this.
3 I need a lot of help with this.
4 I cannot do this.
X I cannot or do not want to answer.
0 Yes. I am well able to do this. (thumbs-up pictured)
1 I need some help with this. (thumbs-up pictured)
2 I need quite a lot of help with this. (thumb sideways pictured)
3 I need a lot of help with this. (thumbs-down pictured)
4 I cannot do this. (thumbs-down with an exclamation mark)
X I cannot or do not want to answer. (red cross pictured)
Adult's options
0 Yes. Is well able to do this.
1 Needs some help with this.
2 Needs some support or help with this.
3 Needs a lot of support or help with this.
4 Cannot do this.
X Cannot or does not want to answer.
If you do not know the pupil well enough to describe the pupil's functional capacity on a scale of 0–4, do not hesitate to select the option I cannot or do not want to answer. Some of the questions are answered Y/N (yes/no) or by entering the answer into the free-text field.
There is a button for providing more information in connection with each question. By clicking the button, you will be able to specify the information on the pupil's functional capacity in different situations and operating environments and provide observations of well-functioning support methods.
Please note that you must not use any identifiable information on the pupil in your answers, such as the name. If necessary, you can select "Exit" and "Save as incomplete" and continue answering later through the link you received in the email.
Please be aware that you must answer each question before you can send the questionnaire. Your answers will be automatically saved to the service.
When you have completed the questionnaire, click the "Send the answers" button.
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